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/ Blog / Top 10 (Revised) ‘Beer Happy Places’ 5
May 20, 2022
The porch is where I do my most relaxed beer drinking. It is where my beer always tastes the best. It is a Beer Happy Place. Beer is the beverage of the people. It has the power to transform minds and situations and build economies. It also seems to be connected to spots on the Earth that make whatever style or brand you’re drinking taste better, smoother, and more flavorful.
Two years ago, I compiled the original list of Beer Happy Places. The pandemic moved outdoor locations up the list last year. In 2022, we find the world at a crossroads of open and yet, COVID? Still? Really. Dang.
The top 10 places — where drinking a beer will cause an irrepressible sigh of satisfaction — have changed once again. These are “Beer Happy Places” where drinking a beer is more than drinking a beer. The unseen powers that connect the universe pool in these special beer-drinking locales enhance flavors and heighten the imbibing experience. A mediocre beer will still be good. Great beer has the potential to be life-changing.